We recently had the opportunity to talk about DAM with fellow Madisonians at a Smart Series seminar hosted by Suttle-Straus. Suttle-Straus is one of Widen’s local technology and service partners offering a full range of web-to-print and integrated marketing services. They’re also one of the largest printers in Wisconsin.
We presented “DAM for Today’s Marketing World” and shared the important things every business should know about digital asset management. And, we must say, it’s very gratifying to see how businesses are now viewing DAM as a critical component to effective and efficient marketing operations!
Watch the presentation – DAM for Today’s Marketing World.
In attendance were marketing, creative and IT people across a range of organizations, including: manufacturing, insurance and banking, telecom, bio sciences, restaurant franchises, construction supplies, consumer goods, energy, agencies, nonprofits and more. While the attendee backgrounds are quite diverse, the common ground is that they’re all interested in learning more about better ways marketers can better manage and utilize their digital assets.
The content of our presentation involved:
- What DAM is and is not, including an understanding of the basic tasks and characteristics of a DAM solution
- How to know if you need a DAM system with key questions to ask yourself
- Why DAM is important to your business and how to justify investments in DAM
- What Widen customers are doing with DAM for brand management and content curation
- What five local Madison customers are doing with Widen DAM
- What Widen and Suttle-Straus can do together with DAM + Web-to-print
Contact us if you’d like to receive the full slide deck from the presentation or to talk about DAM in your marketing world.
Want to learn more about the partnership between Widen and Suttle-Straus?Talk to an Advisor to schedule time to talk about our two services together.