We received a question along those lines from a Widen DAM customer the other day and for her, as it is for many of our customers new or old, it’s quite eye-opening when you go a few layers in to find there’s a lot more to Widen than meets the eye.
The truth is, we’ve always been focused on the customer experience. The excitement and attraction has changed a bit as the industry has evolved, but we’ve always been about the customer relationship. Not only optimizing your experience as a Widen customer, but moreover about optimizing your customers’ experiences with your brand.
The analysts from Forrester and other thought-leaders in the industry talk about how Digital Asset Management has emerged as a necessary technology rounding out the customer experience management (CXM) suite of solutions along with WCM, e-Commerce and MRM. We get it too. However, our flavor of CXM carries a lot more service-appeal. To you and your boss, we’re excited to see that DAM is now viewed as a must-have technology that ties to strategic advantage and not just a utility to help with tactical execution.
At Widen, we’ve always been delivering digital media solutions and technologies as a service provider -- even before SaaS and cloud became the norm. With that, guided implementations and project management, help desk / tech support, and ongoing client development services have all been part of the package. And we mean it... it’s part of the package.
Now, although we’ve been “doing it” for some clients for awhile, we’re extending the SaaS model to be your complete Digital Asset Management service provider (or DaaS - DAM as a Service - if you really want another acronym) with up-front strategy development and on-going administrative services. Both of these professional services embrace consulting services and more labor-intensive assistance, however it’s an expertise we’ve ramped up over the years. Your organization probably should have ramped up in these areas too, but we know time and resources are always short while the demands continue to rise. That’s where we can help.
Continue to follow along for updates to come, but don’t be surprised when you see announcements of new technologies, new services and new partners as we move toward optimizing the complete digital customer experience together.
Check out this infographic to learn a bit more about the Widen Customer Experience.
Request a consultation if you’re lost and need help finding a starting point.